2020 - PRESENT
THE BLOOD OATH SERIES is a collection of white paintings on white paper that explores self acceptance and healthy sympathetic fight. They hold bareness, sameness, and loss alongside powerful, unexpected complexity. From a distance the world of THE BLOOD OATH SERIES paintings is imperceptible or even invisible, but don’t be fooled. This work requires intimacy. The viewer must come physically and sensorily close for the paintings to fully reveal themselves and their layers of nuance and detail.
When I made this work, I started with a brush in my hand. I ran the brush through the paint and layed the brush on the paper. But nothing happened. Nothing real happened. I put the brush down and instinctively drove my hand into the paint, smeared it up my arm and across my ulna bone. From there these works poured out, one after another, becoming and becoming and becoming something so deep for me.
They became about getting the pieces of me that wanted to touch the paper to touch it.
They became about showing the most vulnerable spots, the inner wrist, the webs between my fingers, the bones of my elbow, the (soft) crook of my arm.
An oath.
A blood oath.
A skin and bone oath.
To be bare.
To be truthful.
To examine profound nuance where it seems there is none.
To promise to be seen.
To see.
To use what I cannot change in me
To love what I cannot change in me
To join the fight
To change the world.
The paintings are a declaration
A promise
A pact.
They are an offering.
For today.
For tomorrow.
Find available BLOOD OATH SERIES pieces available for purchase here.